Wellness Facilitators

Heather Cross
Heather is a certified mindfulness and yoga instructor, freelance criminal defence lawyer, legal writer and the mother of two boys.
With impeccable timing, yoga entered Heather's life shortly before she married Riaz (her wellness co-facilitator) and began law school in 2002.
Since that time, it has been a constant companion that helps to keep her centred and grounded.
Mindfulness practice has increased Heather's ability to appreciate the present moment, weather life's ups and downs and enjoy life more.
Heather teaches yoga several times a week and has facilitated wellness courses and workshops for various organizations, including the University of Ottawa law school, the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, the Department of National Defence and the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic.
She is currently leading online mindfulness groups for correctional, probation and parole officers with the Center for Mindfulness in Public Safety.
When Heather is not practicing law, yoga or mindfulness, she enjoys playing "Just Dance" with her youngest son and trying out new recipes (with mixed results).

Riaz Awadia
Riaz has been engaged with meditation throughout his life. He is a certified mindfulness instructor, has been a Vipassana meditator for over 20 years and has recently become actively involved with Zen meditation.
As a trained lawyer and policy analyst with the federal government, Riaz understands the challenges associated with professional work environments.
Through his own practice and through offering workshops for organizations, such as the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic and the Department of National Defence, he has seen first-hand the transformative effect that meditation, mindfulness and wellness practices can have on individuals and the workplace environment.
In his free time, Riaz enjoys embarking on magical quests
(i.e. playing fantasy board games with his kids and
reluctant wife Heather, aka his wellness co-facilitator),
taking long walks and continuously learning.
He is currently applying his "beginner's mind" to haiku poetry, photography and learning to play the guitar.